
Christchapelflorida   -  

Perspective is defined as a viewpoint.  There is no shortage of  differing viewpoints on every subject from nutrition, politics, parenting and the like. Our point of view is often skewed by the information we receive, our emotions and the opinions of others. It’s so easy to lose sight of God’s perspective in the noise of everyday life.

Years ago, I worked in a 60-story tower building. From my 58th floor window, I could see for miles and miles. I remember looking out the window one day at the Super Walmart and the University campus that spanned the block across the street from our building. The cars, people and buildings looked like miniature Barbie playsets. I’ll never forget being reminded that this is how God sees my problems. From where He’s sitting, they are not big or overwhelming.  The huge mountain of trouble in front of me is a little tiny anthill to Him. He can easily move and rearrange and change those circumstances and it’s far from impossible to Him.

Right in the middle of all the noise of everyday life, ever so quietly, the Lord whispers, “Come up higher. Come see this from My perspective. Let’s look at the circumstance that’s frustrating you and overwhelming you. Sit with Me and see it from My vantage point.” Ephesians 2:5b-6 TLB, explains our unique perspective as a follower of Christ, “…he gave us back our lives again when he raised Christ from the dead; only by His undeserved favor have we ever been saved; and lifted us up from the grave into glory along with Christ, where we sit with him in the heavenly realms—all because of what Christ Jesus did.”  Because of what Jesus did you don’t have to see your problems the way the world does. You have a different viewpoint; a heavenly perspective. You are given the advantage because of His perspective.

Are you ready to see things from a different perspective?  Start today by taking a minute to simply ask God to show you His perspective, regarding that situation you are struggling to work through.  Psalms 73:17a TPT says, “But then one day I was brought into the sanctuaries of God, and in the light of glory, my distorted perspective vanished.”

Bring that situation into the light of His glory, then God’s thoughts and purposes will become crystal clear to you In the light of His perspective, what is dark and heavy for you will become light and easy.

A prayer for God’s perspective:

God, today I look to you. I bring this circumstance (speak it by name, out loud) before you.  I ask for Your heavenly perspective. I bring what is dark and cloudy to me, into the presence of Your glorious light. I thank you for showing me your perspective and altering my point of view.  Thank you for your light and truth, that shine so brightly on my path today.  In Jesus Name, Amen!